However, I couldn't resist, that this book that I wanted to read "Passing Through the Fire:Pathway to Freedom" by by Nasrin Z. was available on Amazon for $3+.
So...it was mostly my desire to read this book and partly the price. Or was it partly my desire to read this book and mostly the price?
Well, actually $3 sounded really good to me and when all is said and done the Kindle ain't so bad. And, I was so glad that my friend recommended it. It was a good book.
The author is a friend of a good friend of mine. They both live in the Atlanta area.
My friend ,Joan told me that Nasrin is an inspiring person and has a powerful testimony of God's grace and care for her. She was born in Iran and became a Christian only a few years before her accident. Nasrin, the author, became a quadriplegic in a car accident. Her book talks about her journey into the unwanted world of paralysis, dependence on others and questionning God.
It seems like I know of quite a few women, who either have published a book recently, along with many who would like to. I too hold that dream in my heart. It has been encouraging to know other "ordinary" women I know, went for it and made it a reality. It makes the possibility of myself having a book published, much more real.
Back to the Kindle. I do not want to come to an age where printed books and libraries will come to an end. I have heard differing opinions. I hope that the ones who say that will never happen are right.

I would be so sad...Libraries and Books have been an oasis for me during pivotal and difficult times in my life.
What are your thoughts of using a Kindle or similar thing? Would you miss holding a "real" book in your hand, if the Kindle was all you had?
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